Business services are activities that help companies to complete work but don’t result in a physical commodity. This can include anything from a catering company providing food for a business meeting to an outsourcing agency helping a client with accounting or marketing.
The main reason for a company to provide business services is that it provides the opportunity to reduce costs and improve service by centralizing functions. This can also lead to better control and insight into service performance, as well as reducing risk by ensuring that processes are followed.
While a company can offer these services internally, it is often more efficient to outsource them to a specialist provider. This can allow the in-house team to focus on its core strengths, while benefitting from the additional expertise and capability of the business service provider.
There are many types of business services available, from the more traditional administrative services to the more specialised support for specific industries or tasks. For example, software services can enhance features and upgrade security for a company’s technological equipment such as computers or mobile phones. Alternatively, a consultancy can advise on projects for an entire industry or sector of business.
A career in business services can be rewarding for those with the right combination of skills and attitude. However, it is important to remember that this type of work can be pressure-filled and requires the ability to meet tight deadlines. Therefore, if you do not cope well under pressure, this might not be the right career path for you.